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Spacetrace : Ie 5.1 For Mac

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by rhinorlole1972 2020. 3. 9. 23:58


Hi guys I would love some feedback here! Check this out: In OS 9 IE 5.1, or OS X IE 5.x, try this: Turn on 'show style sheets' In your prefs first. The default setting is ON. Now go here:; You have to force-quit IE, right? Page loads 80% and then the 'attck of the spinning beach ball of death' approaches. Now turn OFF 'show style sheets' in IE 5.1 and go here again:; Works, right?

Looks like crap, but it works. Who is at fault? Microsoft, or the web developer?

- Here is another example: Set IE's 'show style sheets' to ON first. Go to; Click on the 'dogs' rollover button on the button bar, its a pop-up ment. Under the 'dogs' popup menu, go to 'articles' link. Gotta force-quit IE 5.1 again, right? Now try it with 'show style sheets' = OFF. I am spending all day long doing nothing but adjusting my companys web broswers so they can see sites!

I can't figure out who to blame here! (OK, I blame ME for using a M$ product!) IS IE famous for bad handeling of style sheets? Or are wev designers out there wrecking the Internet?

Or is this a Mac OS issue? FYI: It also does the same thing in OS X with IE 5.x. quoteOriginally posted by dstranathan: Now go here:; This thing has bigger problems than stylesheets or whatever you think is causing the problem.

Spacetrace Ie 5.1 For Mac

There is a major problem with the Table structure. I would remove each nested table, starting with the deepest one until I got to the base structure - you'll find that something is messed up here and will cause many a browser problem.

At the bottom there is a missing for instance. That's a start. The web developer is the problem. Tons of misplaced or screwy tags.

Get Pacifist. It's an OS X package viewer. With it, you can.EASILY.

Spacetrace : Ie 5.1 For Mac

browse through the OS X.pkg file (or any other) and pick and choose individual components to your heart's content. As for MS, I have no idea why they don't make IE 5.x available for Mac OS X via download, although I would suspect that sixty seconds of hacking, in the right place, would convert 5.1 Classic to 5.1 Carbon. If you can't find Pacifist on or let me know and I'll get the installer to you.

Lastly, IE 5.1 is my default browser because of stability, but Mozilla is wonderful, and the multithreading in OmniWeb makes it the most promising browser out there for OS X. I have six on my machine and regularly choose one over the others based on features/performance versus the task at hand. Ive got opera and omniweb, but. Im use to IE. I used netscape for years, until aol took it over. Then I went to IE.

Spacetrace : Ie 5.1 For Mac Download

It feels solid. Rarely crashes on me. It does have bugs. Like, I cant click on a link and have the download start! I have to option click and choose from popup menu.

Also, any downloads that take me to a cgi or pgp script, I cant seem to download at all. I use opera then for downloading. Pain in the A$$ Microsoft has all these 'mac' divisions in the company. And all these people supposedly working on the mac platform.

You would think they would fix IE bugs for X, and office it on their site for dl'ing.